31 Moments That Prove The World Is Not Such A Bad Place

Having a bad day? Here are some moments that will restore your faith in humanity and renew your hope for the world.

This boy hugging his piñata.

Boy Hugging Piñata

Dairy Queen manager Joey Prusak

This couple who prove that true love never dies.

These police officers completing the pizza delivery for the delivery man who was involved in an accident.

The owners of these supercars who made a boy’s day.

This elderly lady helping to sweep her city.

This baby laughing at a cat licking his feet.

Baby laughing at a cat licking his feet

This young baseball fan who gave the ball to a crying boy.

Baseball fan who gave the ball to a crying boy

This young boy being welcomed back to class after being out for a week.

Boy being welcomed back to class after being out for a week

This selfless boy helping his friend across.

Boy helping his friend across

This elderly couple sharing a moment.

These newlyweds who remind others to show their love.

The homeless man who never forgot the kindness from others.

This elderly couple having fun.

This kind staff from In N Out.

In N Out Kind Staff

This kid performing a backflip in a wheelchair and nailing it.

Kid performing a backflip in a wheelchair

This puppy and kitty who show that friendship transcends species.

This soldier surprising his daughter at a football match.

Soldier surprising his daughter at a football match

At school.

Soldier surprising his daughter at school

And in a present.

Soldier surprising his daughter in a present

This couple who have been together since 1962.

This guy.

This older couple who paid for a younger couple’s Valentine’s Day dinner.

This small gift from a young boy.

The family who got a complimentary meal at Olive Garden after their 3-year-old blurted out that their house had recently burned down.

This kid sharing his umbrella with a deer.

These men protesting domestic violence by “walking in her shoes.”

This sign.

Wendell Overton, the brave 10-year-old who saved a cat from being tortured by a group of boys.

After Hurricane Sandy…

The dad who wrote this letter before his son had the chance to come out to him.